Alchemy is a short film celebrating the poetics of bread. The film is a poetic evocation on the alchemy of bread and brings the act of baking the most basic of staples, into a high art form. Here nature and human culture collude. Hands pounding, mixing, kneading and stretching, reveal the choreographed rhythms and movements of bread making. Alchemy is a beautifully executed and lyrical film about an activity once ubiquitous in almost every household.It follows the process of making and baking bread where nature and culture magically unify. The film reveals how baking bread can be poetic, beautiful, foster slowness, empathy, and connection to our environment and ourselves. It gives a timeless account of the lyrical process and the "spaces in between" that makes bread the art that goes beyond the walls of the gallery and onto our kitchen table.

The baker and filmmaker was brought up in Arctic Norway where baking bread used to be and some places still is ubiquitous to every household. Her rhythmical movements and reassured touch gives associations to dance and music and brings baking into the realms of poetry. It reminds us of the connections and traditional knowledge we have left behind, but also gives us the incentive and impetus to rediscover and reconnect to the ancient art of bread-baking.

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